Silver Gelatine Photography
Spring is coming here in Switzerland! First shot this year in the garden with the ERWIN LÖBER field camera from 1895, lens made from 100 years old binoculars, 3D printed waterhouse stop f45, ILFORD Multigrade RC Deluxe rated ISO 6, exposure 4 minutes, developed in my Afghan Box camera (as a mobile darkroom). It was fun!
Last weekend was really bad weather. No chance to go out to take some photographs with my Afghan Box Camera. So I had the idea to make some experiments in my lab. I picked an older paper negative I made with my old LÖBER field camera from 1896 and made a contact print to vintage FOMA 312 paper. Instead to develop in the developer tray I took a cotton ball which I dipped before in developer and splashed some drops over the paper. After 10 seconds I started to put more developer with the cotton...
Yesterday I made some experiments with my old LÖBER camera and the lens from a WW1 binocular. I tried to shoot a flower in my laboratory with old FOMA 312 paper and the vintage studio flash. Finally I had to fire the flash totally 15 times to get an exposure, with an f-stop of 22. It was a lot of fun and the result was OK. Because of the full expanded bellow of the camera, it was 40cm, I had to increase the exposure time by factor 6.
A few days ago I got a really wonderful present from my neighbour. Her husband, which passed away last year, loved photography and he worked with the legendary EDIXA MAT REFLEX. He was a passionated animal photographer. She knew that I also love photography, especially with old and historical cameras. So she presented me her husbands beloved camera and a vintage ADOX KB14 film roll in a small metal canister. She also found the small refillable film container. The five meters of KB14 film has an...