Afghan Box Camera

Afghan Box Camera · 28. February 2022
Spring is coming and the temperatures are raising. Time to take out the Afghan Box Camera and to test the new updates I made during winter. I optimized the paper holder for easier handling and I found a new tripod for the heavy camera.

A simple electromagnetic Guillotine Shutter
Afghan Box Camera · 02. May 2021
My Afghan Box Camera has no shutter, so I control the exposure with the lens cap. That works fine as long you have a model to photograph. During my tests with the camera I had the idea to shoot myself, because I like to hang out in the garden alone - only with my camera and whit a cold drink. I love it to be inspired from the amazing photographer Borut Peterlin. His YouTube Channel is really worth to follow, if photography is for you more than only taking pictures. He is using a self made...