Today I made a small experiment with my vintage TAXOTA enlarger from the '60. I took off the lamp and replaced it with a can as light channel and a simple LED flash lite. Many people are trying to expose normal cyanotypes with an enlarger and a common 35mm negative, but often the UV source is too weak and the loss of light in the enlarger results in many many hours of exposure time. The standard formula is too slow for such a process.
My new "Cyanotypia Cita" is basically designed for Iron Process Photography and works with very short exposure times and even works fine without UV light. So it's the perfect formula for photography. But I realised that it works also quite well for contact prints and projected exposures, like with an enlarger.
In this sample I exposed the coated paper for 20 minutes. The flash light is a common LED flash light, no special hight tec power machine.
The result is nice, the blue is a nice and warm baby blue.
I'm not a fan of shooting 35mm film, but this way it is a nice other way to print the positives in a very unique look.
Write a comment
Engelbert Camera obscura (Saturday, 17 April 2021 11:57)
sehr beeindruckend. Ich mache ja auch seit Jahren Edeldrucke, aber so kurze Belichtungszeitn, habe ich noch nie geschafft. Spannend wäre die Formel zu wissen :-)
LG aus Österreich
Steve R (Saturday, 01 May 2021 20:32)
I have been following your iron process photography on Youtube and on this blog with very great interest. I have experimented a little with cyanotypes myself and I am also keen to explore ways to make the process faster. I hope you will publish your formula, when the time is ready :)
BTW - I enjoyed your chocolate, too! ;)