Posts tagged with "ironprocessphotography"

Cyanotype Photography - New Experiments
23. June 2021
Finally summer arrived and the weather is warm and wonderful. Perfect conditions to make some new experiments with my new formula "Cyanotypia Cita". After the last experiments during winter I'm able now to have only one solution for the sentisizer. Ant it seems to be very stable during many months of storage. The sensitivity is still very good. The paper reacts in the sun within seconds. But that makes it also sometimes difficult to handle outdoor. A half second of sunlight and the paper is...

Photogenic Drawing with "Cianotypia Cita"
Iron Process Photography · 08. May 2021
Today the weather finally became better and sunny again. Time to test the new lens and f-stop configuration of my big camera "Soul Catcher". I coated a sheet of Hahnemühle Platinum Rag with the new Cyanotypia Cita formula and exposed it during 60 minutes with the new f-stop of 5.6. Before I used the camera with f3 and the deep of field was too small to get nice results. Now with 5.6 it's a lot better, and the exposing time didn't raise much. The result is great! Now I'm ready to shoot large...

The forgotten Ferro-Gallic Process from Louis-Alphonse Poitevin
24. April 2021
Almost all of the iron processes are negative processes. That means you end up with a negative, and there is almost no way to get a positive from a typical cynonegative. This because the contrast of the whites and blues are way too weak for a contact copy. But there exists a forgotten process from Louis-Alphonse Poitevin. This Ferro-Gallic Process is a positive process and is very fascinating. I worked some time ago with this process and discovered the potencial for Iron Photography. Actually...

Exposing "Cyanotypia Cita" from a 35mm negative, with a vintage enlarger and a flash light
Iron Process Photography · 16. April 2021
Today I made a small experiment with my vintage TAXOTA enlarger from the '60. I took off the lamp and replaced it with a can as light channel and a simple LED flash lite. Many people are trying to expose normal cyanotypes with an enlarger and a common 35mm negative, but often the UV source is too weak and the loss of light in the enlarger results in many many hours of exposure time. The standard formula is too slow for such a process. My new "Cyanotypia Cita" is basically designed for Iron...

Exposing "Cyanotypia Cita" with a simple Flash Light
Iron Process Photography · 13. April 2021
In this short video I show the sensitivity of the new "Cyanotypia Cita" process. This formula even works with a common LED flash light. To expose iron prints by using a normal light source opens completely new approaches for teachers and classes, because UV light sources are not always everywhere available. The other huge advantage is the simplicity of the chemistry. "Cyanotypia Cita" is harmless, easy to use and has a good stability for storage.

How to expose the new "Cyanotypia Cita" formula with a studio flash
Iron Process Photography · 09. April 2021
Interesting short video which demonstrates the exposure speed of my new formula "Cyanotypia Cita".