Some time ago I printed with my "ENDER 3" a small pinhole camera with the idea to develop the picture directly inside the camera, using the "Peroxide Reversal Process". The camera measures 75mm x 75mm, focus length is 50mm. I made a simple 0,5mm pinhole using a beer can and a needle. For the process I work with ILFORD RC Glossy and I expose 4 times longer than usual, means with ISO 1,5 instead ISO 6. Developing is simple: After exposure I add 25ml of fresh developer into the camera for 2...
Today I made a small experiment with my vintage TAXOTA enlarger from the '60. I took off the lamp and replaced it with a can as light channel and a simple LED flash lite. Many people are trying to expose normal cyanotypes with an enlarger and a common 35mm negative, but often the UV source is too weak and the loss of light in the enlarger results in many many hours of exposure time. The standard formula is too slow for such a process. My new "Cyanotypia Cita" is basically designed for Iron...